Posted in Coming Soon, Odell Brewing

Odell Tree Shaker Imperial Peach IPA

Odell Tree Shaker Imperial Peach IPA

Odell Brewing Co (Fort Collins, CO) throws a little Steve Miller Band into a new imperial IPA coming soon. 3000 pounds of fresh peaches and hops sounds like a nice sipper right?

Colorado.. we really love your peaches wanna shake your tree! Tree Shaker Imperial IPA was brewed with 3000 pounds of pureed Colorado peaches. The bright citrus hop character and subtle fruity sweetness will get your feet tapping and your taste buds dancing.

Style: Imperial IPA (w/ Peaches)
Availability: 750 ml bottles Arrival: TBA

9.7% ABV 

2 thoughts on “Odell Tree Shaker Imperial Peach IPA

  1. geez I’ve tried twice to brew an ipa with peaches, both times from palisade that tasted like candy, and I hope they solved my problem but from my experiments, hops and peaches just dont mix well

  2. yuppers – if you’re adding a sugar heavy fruit into an IPA you should probably kick up the IBU’s, especially bittering. And treat it like a dry hop – just a few days to a week max in secondary.

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