Posted in Beer News, NoDa Brewing

Noda Brewing Begins Bottling

Noda Brewing Triumphant AleNoDa Brewing (Charlotte, NC) starts bottling for the first time this week.  First beer? Tri-Umphant Ale.   The brewery just opened on October 29th.  Word on the street around Charlotte – the beers are impressive.

As you are reading this, the brewery is hard at work bottling 1,585 bottles of the tripel by hand.  Below are pics from blessed event.

About Tri-Umphant:
Tri-Umphant is brewed with traditional Belgian malts. continental hops. Belgian yeast and enough Belgian candi sugar In make an Umpalumpa blush. Whether your goal is to triumph over evil, hardships, busy traffic, or bland macro beer, your journey should be rewarded. The rich esters from our Belgian Yeast will fill your nose. mouth and soul with a feeling of accomplishment never seen before in a macro beer world.  Here at NoDa, we know that our triumphs are because of you, our supporting patrons, go we bottled this mighty ale for you!

9.7% ABV

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