Posted in New Releases

Moylan’s Celebrates World Series

Moylan’s Brewing is thrilled about the outcome of last year’s World Series.  The San Francisco Giant’s won it all, and Brendan Moylan has a beer to commemorate the occasion – Orange & Black Ale.  The congratulatory ale features California grown oranges, Yakima Valley hops, and German and Canadian malts.

To honor our World Champions at the Cove, we have created a smooth, American Mt. Hood black ale brewed with orange zest. A hearty brew for the bleacher bums, gardeners of turf, and patient fans who have endured 54 years of pine-grabbing torture.  An adult beverage to salute the Bat, the Stick, the rally thong, the crab, the seal, Yeasts: the chickens, the Thrill, the bowties in the office, the golden voices in the booth,  and all of the San Francisco legends that helped them get there. We at Moylan’s never stopped believing and we plan to bust this rookie out on opening day for the Orange and Black faithful. WARNING: Do not fear this beer for it will freakishly offer two Cy’s of relief without putting any hair on your face. ARE YOU READY, MEAT?

Style: American Black Ale
Hops: Willamette, Mt. Hood, Liberty
Malts: Montana 2-Row Pale, Munich, Crystal, Black Malt
Yeast: White Labs #001 – Chico

Availability: 22oz bombers, Draft. On tap at Moylan’s now.

6.0% ABV

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