Posted in Beer News, Brewery Expansions, Lagunitas

Lagunitas Ups Ante at Chi Location

The fastest growing craft brewery has announced plans to become even bigger. Lagunitas Brewing has been working on a second location in Chicago for a few years now, and says via Twitter that this new location will be doing twice as much as they initially expected. Once this second location is complete Lagunitas will be producing 2.4 million barrels making them the second largest craft brewery just behind Sam Adams/Boston Beer Company (in terms of brewing capacity). According to statistics presented this week at CBC, Lagunitas is the fastest growing brewery so far this year based on sales figures.

3 thoughts on “Lagunitas Ups Ante at Chi Location

  1. For the record… We MAY be producing 2.4 million barrels, but it will be years before that is the case.. The Chicago brewery will have the built-in POTENTIAL to brew that much beer… that’s a meaningful detail!


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