Posted in Jester King Brewery

Jester King Releases Thrash Metal Farmhouse “Strong” Ale

Jester King jokes that this beer clocks in at a whopping 93%ABV and that is why they cannot call it a beer according to the TABC… well, kind of.  Thrash Metal Farmhouse Strong Ale is actually a high gravity ale brewed with pilsner, wheat, and caramunich malts, American hops, and Jester King’s farmhouse yeast.  The real ABV is 9%. 

Thrash King is a tribute to thrash metal music which can be found playing throughout the Jester King Brewery on a regular basis.  Thrash Metal will be a sibling to Black Metal Imperial Stout, but Thrash will not be a part of the regular lineup.  It will be a limited release/special occasion brew that will be created when the mood strikes – if it is ever brewed again at all…

So what’s up with the word “Strong” in the title?  Federal and state regulations will not allow any reference to the strength of the beer in the title.  Thrash Metal will be available on draught starting this week in Texas.  This will be followed by a later release in 750 ml bottles that are naturally conditioned.

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