Jester King Craft Brewery (Austin, Texas) is really making a name for themselves. Everyone I know that steps foot in the state starts looking for it. Recently, some Jester King has been sited outside of the state. (In a semi-official capacity.) That caused rumors to circulate around Jester entering those states. Here’s the bottom line on recent appearances, from the source:
… this shipment like those that preceded it, does not mark our permanent entry into any out of state markets, or any kind of promise as to the ongoing availability of our beers anywhere outside of Texas. It means simply that we had a little extra beer that we were able to share, and did what we could to get it to some folks outside our region, who we thought might enjoy it. Moving forward, when we have more beer that we can spare, we will very likely do much the same thing, but at this point, we really can’t say when or how often that’s likely to be.
Fingers crossed. Who knows where you might see them next. If only for a minute. [JesterKing]