Posted in Atwater Brewery, Brewery Expansions

Imported From Detroit: Atwater Brewery Expanding

Atwater Brewery LogoDetroit’s Atwater Brewery has officially announced an expansion that will double their capacity.  The brewery will push production from 7,500 barrels (232,500 gallons) to 15,000 barrels (465,000) in 2012.  But wait, there’s more.  Act now, and the brewery will double it’s capacity in 2013!  That’s quadruple the production capacity for the low price of (probably millions of dollars.)  A cost is not mentioned in the expansion plans.

Atwater had orders for 50% more than they were producing in 2011.  In January, the brewery added 4 new tanks.  That will aid in increasing output by 400% over last year’s levels.  The brewery runs wide open 18 hours a day to meet demand.

Currently, the brewery sells 60% of it’s beer in Michigan.  The remaining goes to PA, OH, IL, and parts of New England.  Atwater launched a canning line early last year, and has seen success in the move.  Over 20 different beer styles are produced by the brewery each year.

Good news for workers too.  The expansion will add up to 25 more positions through 2015.  Check out the PR for some technical details & more.   [PressRelease]

I think Eminem needs to do a beer commercial for Detroit… 

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