Posted in Heavy Seas, New Releases

Heavy Seas Launches New Desert Island Series, February 19th

Heavy Seas Desert Island Series

Heavy Seas Beer (Baltimore, MD) is launching a new, draft only lineup, called the Desert Island Series. The lineup will feature one off releases designed by members of the brewery.

According to brewmaster, Chris Leonard: “Rich caramel maltiness adorns the first offering in our Desert Island Series – a strong Scottish Ale at 8% ABV. This interpretation of the classic Scottish style is warming and malty while maintaining an earthy hop balance. Dark amber in color, rich fig aromas and toasted caramel flavors dominate this hefty tipple. If you can’t get yourself to a desert island, this brew is the perfect answer to the winter chill.”

Each offering is limited to 100 barrels (3,100 gallons) at select bars across Heavy Seas 18 state distribution starting in February 19th, 2015. Scottish Ale was designed by Team Leader Chris Schultz.

The Heavy Seas Desert Island Series will feature a Schwartzbier in April, an American Honey Amber Ale in June, a “New World” Saison in August, a Smoked Dunkel in October, and a Dopple Sticke Alt in December.

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