Posted in Harpoon Brewing, Seasonal Return

Harpoon Grateful Harvest Returns

Harpoon Brewery is proud to bring back Grateful Harvest Ale, a New England cranberry ale brewed in the Thanksgiving spirit of giving back to the community.  For every 6-pack of Grateful Ale sold, the Harpoon Brewery will make a $1 donation to the local food bank in the area in which the beer was purchased.

The cranberry flavor complements the malty character derived by the combination of Munich and Vienna malts. Additions of CaraMunich and Dehusked Carafa III malts enhances the beer’s reddish hue and adds a touch of sweetness, while Northern Brewer bittering hops complement the slight cranberry tartness.  A traditional top fermenting strain of ale yeast was used to showcase the malt profile and accent the fresh cranberry aroma.  The result is a medium-bodied, malty and mildly sweet amber ale with a bready aroma and a subtle cranberry flavor.

Style: Fruit Beer (w/ Cranberries)
Availability: 12oz bottles, Draft. Oct-Dec

5.8% ABV, 30 IBUs


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