Posted in Half Acre Brewing

Half Acre Remembers When It Was Easier Being A Kid

Half Acre Hammer Bullet ViseDo you remember when growing seemed a little simpler?  Kids could get in fights after school without going to jail, you could bring a plastic knife in your lunchbox without going to jail, you could skip school without going to jail.   Half Acre Brewing does.  On Friday the Chicago based brewery debuts  The Hammer, The Bullet, & The Vise.  The beer is a reminder of a simpler time when kids were free to be kids, before Facebook, cellphones, bike helmets and a claustrophobic false sense of security.

There was a time when children ran around loose and fearless, getting filthy and being perfectly reckless. Kids kicked the crap out of each other and instantly let it go, they built unsafe structures to call their own and lived far more free of the burden of being broken. At some point helmets took over, little hands made cel phone calls to check in and parental reign created a claustrophobic, false sense of safety.

In remembering a time when kids ran wild, we brewed The Hammer, The Bullet, & The Vise.  A nutty and soft english brown beer brewed with all German malts to lull your mind.  This beer will be a draft only release to be had by the growler fill at our brewery. We will post when this beer is available.

Style: English Style Brown Ale
Availability: Draft only, on tap at the brewery 2/10

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