Posted in Pipeworks Brewing, Surly Brewing

Is The Government Playing Favorites with Unicorn Art?

In light of the government’s recent issues with Surly’s Overrated West Coast IPA, we’re beginning to wonder why they’re playing favorites. There are quite a few other breweries out there with unicorns on their labels and names, why just hate on Surly? Maybe they always wanted the pink My Little Pony as a child? Maybe it’s because they’re adorably cartoonish? Either way, Pipeworks Brewing alone has 4 different beers featuring unicorns on the label and name including Galaxy UnicornUnicorn’s RevengeNinja vs. Unicorn, and Santa vs. Unicorn. Dear Government, I call shenanigans!

Special thanks to @shep133 and @cobbledbrewer for the reminder about these other beers!

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