Breckenridge Brewing celebrates the Colorado harvest season with Peachfork Wheat. This wheat beer features fresh Colorado peaches, pureed just yesterday and added to the beer.
The peaches come from Peachfork Orchards & Vineyard of Palisade, Colorado. Peachfork has been seen one other time, laste year as part of the brewery’s Small Batch Occasionals line of beers.
“We really like partnering with small and local providers where possible,” says Todd Thibault, Director of Marketing for Breckenridge Brewery. “Our relationship with The Peachfork is a personal one; one of our employees is the granddaughter of the owners and recently left us to join the family farm. We’re excited to bring Peachfork Wheat around again, and this year we’ve doubled up on the peaches.
Peachfork Orchards and Vineyard is family owned, family farmed, and solar powered. The Brennan family has been raising fruit there since 1972. What began with 7 acres of dwarf apple trees has blossomed to 32 acres of mouthwatering fruit. The orchard and vineyard are tended with the help of Babydoll Southdown sheep, and ancient breed that are excellent weeders and provide an organic alternative to pesticides and fertilizers.
Style: Fruit Beer
Availability: Draft
Arrival: Early October 2011