Posted in Brewery Expansions, Duclaw Brewing

DuClaw Brewing Follows the Yellow Brick Road

Maryland’s DuClaw Brewing has announced their move from Abington MD to a new location on Yellow Brick Road in Baltimore County MD. The new 60,000sq ft facilities will allow them to double their production size and meet the ever-growing demand.

As of this past week, DuClaw was completely out of 4 of their beers, 3 of which being part of their year-round line up (Hellrazer IPA, Serum 2x IPA, and Mysterium Belgian Spiced Ale). According to Brad Klipner, DuClaw’s Sales Manager, the increased tank space is “exactly what we needed as we grow our reach and try to keep up with demand.”

DuClaw hopes to have the new place good-to-go by mid-March

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