Posted in Brewery Expansions

Dogfish Head’s Neighbors Not Thrilled

Dogfish Head The go ahead for the Dogfish Head expansion is still on hold.  The local town council failed to vote on December 15th after 4 hours of debate.  The neighbors are turning up the heat a bit on the proposal.

So whats the matter?

Dogfish wants to rezone 4o acres behind the brewery from residential to light industrial.   That would cut down of potential new space for houses in Cannery Village.  There are also increased truck traffic concerns.  Also, what if Dogfish goes out of business or sells the location?  Another industrial company (worse to have than a brewery) could move into the neighborhood.

Ultimately, the town council is going to review the public comments before meeting again.  Dogfish has already had to pull out of four states this year due to demand issues.  They have also announced they are putting a few beers on hold in 2012.  The proposed expansion will cost $45 million dollars. [WOBC]

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