Posted in Cigar City Brewing, New Releases

Cigar City’s El Catador October Releases Revealed

Cigar City Brewing (Tampa, FL) recently started the El Catador Club for their fans to get a hold of special releases. The next round of El Catador releases have been announced. Below are the descriptions if you aren’t familiar. The below are releases #2, #3, #4. They will be available on October 28th. All El Catador release rules apply.


Illuminating the Path

A collaboration with Ecliptic Brewing out of Portland, Oregon. The concept behind this beer was to connect Oregon and Florida, which brought several raw materials to mind. John Harris of Ecliptic and myself decided to use rose hips and marionberries, indigenous to Oregon, plus hibiscus and acai berries from Florida. The recipe for the beer was designed with these ingredients in mind, and then aged in pinot noir barrels from Oregon. The result is dark, with big fruity notes, balanced by vinous wine-like notes. We wanted to balance the concept of beer and wine and believe we have done that successfully.”

Don Gavino’s Big Guava

Named for Don Gavino Gutierrez, a Spanish architect, surveyor and civil engineer who first came to Tampa looking for wild guava trees. The journey was not fruitful as the guava population was much smaller than expected. However, Don Gavino was still convinced that Tampa’s natural harbor and access to Henry B. Plant’s new rail-line would make Tampa an excellent import/export hub. We salute Don Gavino with this tart guava ale, aged in chardonnay barrels to create a balance between the sweetness of the base beer and fruit with the tartness of the lactic fermentation.”

Good Gourd Almighty

Imperial Pumpkin Ale brewed with copious amounts of pumpkin with Ceylon cinnamon, Jamaican all-spice, Zanzibar cloves and nutmeg added, and then aged in rum barrels. The final result is a perfect fall sipper.These three beers will all be available for pick up in the tasting room starting Monday, October 28th at 11am, exclusively to El Catador Club members. When retrieving your bottles, please have your member card and I.D. ready to make things easier for our bartenders (trustees can just show their I.D.). Also, keep in mind that during peak hours it may take a bit of time to get your bottles. And of course, these beers will be available until 30 days after the release of the 5th beer.


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