Posted in Cigar City Brewing, New Releases

Cigar City launches their first mixed 12-pack, which includes new IPA

Cigar City Mixed Pack

Tampa, Florida’s Cigar City Brewing has launched their first mixed 12-pack of cans this week, which includes a new, exclusive Space Pope IPA.

The brewery kicked off their 12-pack lineup with their flagship Jai Alai IPA. According to Cigar City, Jai Alai is the second best selling craft six pack nationwide.


This new mixed pack will include Jai Alai, Guayabera Citra Pale Ale, and Florida Cracker White Ale, along with the new Space Pope IPA. This new release is brewed with Mosaic, Citra, Hallertauer Blanc, and Galaxy hops. Expect Space Pope IPA to make sporadic draft appearances this year, but will remain a taproom and mixed pack only release, nationally.

The Cigar City Mixed 12-Pack will be available in the brewery’s full distribution by mid-2019. No estimated retail price was provided.