Posted in Cigar City Brewing, Craft Beer Parties, Seasonal Return

Cigar City Hunaphu Release Date

Cigar City Brewing (Tampa, FL) is going to have a big 2011, new beers, and new states to ship to.  A notable date this year – the seasonal release of Hunaphu.  The seasonal return of this big beer is slated for March 12, 2011.

Hunaphu is an imperial stout brewed with Peruvian Cacao Nibs, Ancho and Pasilla Chiles, Madagascar vanilla beans, & a bit of cinnamon.  It’s boozy, thick & viscous, bold and full of flavor.  This year marks a whole day of celebration surrounding Hunaphu’s release.  Here’s what CC has to say:

With the popularity of this yearly release which also happens to be one of our very favorite products we decided to make it a day long party this year! Enjoy music from local artists, a diverse mix of food, and of course a lot of great beer thrown in the mix. The party will spill out into the parking lot, and we are getting plans underway to raise a festival tent and assemble multiple bars with a larger variety of beers than was available last year!

We will be updating the blog with tap lists and food vendors as we get everything more concrete and ready to go. Expect an eclectic array of tastes and flavors from near and far, we’ve already been collecting beers for this occasion and they’re still coming.

Bottles of Hunahpu Mayan Chocolate Imperial Stout will go on sale at 6pm, wristbands will be handed out to the first 750 people who want to be assured their bottles beginning at noon.  There will be roughly 3000 bottles for this year’s release and the limit will be 4 bottles per person initially with surplus being sold at no limit after everyone who wants to purchase initially has been able to do so.

Brewery Release Date: 3/12/11

Availability: Brewery only

Here is a link for hotel specials —>

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