Posted in Bridgeport Brewing, Coming Soon

Bridgeport Dark Rain: January 1, 2012

Bridgeport Dark Rain

BridgePort Brewing Company will release its newest winter seasonal ale, Dark Rain, on 1/1/12.

“Dark Rain is that link between darker, maltier beers and the highly-hopped pale ales that our fans might be more accustomed to,” explains Bridgeport’s brewmaster, Jeff Edgerton. “While using the bold flavors that come from very dark roasted malts is not new to Bridgeport, this is the first time that we have layered these flavors with five distinct hop varieties — all from the state of Oregon.” From a recently press release.

Style: Black IPA
Hops: Nugget, Chinook, Crystal, Centennial, Cascade
Malts: Dark Crystal, Dark Wheat

Taste Expectations: (Per Bridgeport) Black Wheat and Dark Crystal Malt add dense color and mild smooth flavors to this intensely hopped Black Ale. This ale has a very drinkable, mid-level alcohol and bitterness that starts with roasted and hoppy aromatic notes and finishes with the dry hop character of the Nugget hop varietal. A Chinook, Crystal, Centennial and Cascade blend is used in our hopjack to provide full flavored background hoppiness.

Availability: 12oz bottles, Draft.

5.6% ABV, 60 IBUs

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