Posted in Beer News

Bride Slammed For Drinking Beer

A bride drinking beer has caused a stir in New Zealand.  The above photo was published in the Taranaki Daily News, as the front page photo for the event.  The picture is taken at the Taranaki Bride Of The Year Competition, where 33 brides compete for bride of the year.   Before walking out in front of 400 people, Katrina Hayman drink a cold one to calm the nerves.

Since the picture, commenters have blasted her for being “unladylike.”  The organizers of the festival are pissed that the above picture  was run at the lead-off photo, and wants an apology from Taranaki Daily News.  Apparently wine is this only acceptable drink for a bride.  []

One thought on “Bride Slammed For Drinking Beer

  1. This is hurting my impression of New Zealand basically being the coolest place ever. How can people have a problem with this?! Don’t make me send Australians down there to give you being-laid-back-and-fun lessons…

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