Boston Beer Company has filed a trademark for “Boston Strong” 26.2 Brew. The idea behind the slightly rebranded/rename is to support the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing. The brewery will allow other breweries to use the “Boston Strong” trademark, as long as 100% of the profits are donated to charity.
All profits from the 26.2 Brew (the second release to date) will be donated to the Greg Hill Foundation, supporting victims and families affected by the act. Boston Beer also states that next years profits will benefit other marathon charities
26.2 Brew is a gose, clocking in a 4.5% ABV and is described as having “light cereal notes from malted and unmalted wheat, rounded out by a spicy, peppery character with a soft mineral quality from a touch of salt. The result is an unusual and delicate brew that is full of flavors to discover… and worth crossing the finish line for.”