Georgia is one of 3 remaining states that bans the off premise sales of beer and liquor on Sunday. Today that might truly change. After years of veto threats by previous Governor Sonny Perdue, staunch opposition from the Georgia Christian Coalition, and a year long debate – today the people have the chance to vote.
98 cities and 12 counties have Sunday Sales on the ballot today. Political analysts across the state of Georgia seem fairly confident that Sunday Sales will pass.
Live in Georgia and want to vote? You’ll need this link. —> The votes are based by city, not county. So if you live in a major metro county like Dekalb, see if your city will be voting on SB 10
Georgia is the last of 3 states, including Connecticut and Indiana.
once passed, is this effective immediately? or will we have to wait until january?
It will go to the desk of Nathan Deal, Governor of Georgia. He signs, should be effective January 1, 2012
I don’t think the State is involved anymore–this is a local jurisdiction vote; the State passed the law allowing local jurisdictions the right to determine the measure themselves.
It will be up to each locality where it passes to determine when the amended law will go into effect. On the DecaturMetro blog, the Decatur City Manager has said that she expects the City Council would amend the existing ordinance so that sales are legal beginning November 27th (if it passes in Decatur).
Make sense. That’s even better news…
Yeah, I’ve been led to believe that it’s up to the counties now, I think. So we might have a weird, segmented state, but after proving it works and some counties being embarrassed by their citizens going to other counties just to buy their Sunday beer, we should see some more pass in the next few years. At least, that’s the way I see it.