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Avery sells minority stake of brewery to Mahou San Miguel

Spain based Mahou San Miguel has acquired a minority stake in Avery Brewing Co. 

You might remember Mahou San Miguel from their minority acquisition of Founders Brewing Co. nearly 3 years ago next month. Today they announce another minority acquisition, this time with Boulder, Colorado’s Avery Brewing Co. According to Adam Avery in press release, Adam and his father started searching for a partner two years ago. The criteria included “Minority Investor, Privately Held and Family-Owned Entity, Long-Term Investment, Strategic Advantages, and Good People with Shared Values.”

Avery says Mahou San Miguel checked all the boxes.

First Beverage Group is serving as the financial adviser for the transaction, slated to close in January 2018. The amount of the deal and percentage of the acquisition have not been disclosed.


One thought on “Avery sells minority stake of brewery to Mahou San Miguel

  1. The latest news is that it’s a 30% stake, enough to get Avery kicked off the Brewers Associations’s definition of craft beer, but all in all, I don’t think this news is as bad as I feared when the story first broke. My guess is they needed a big infusion of cash after spending $30 million to build their new facility a few years ago. It seems unlikely to me that Mahou San Miguel will brew Avery’s recipes in Mexican facilities or that Avery will start brewing theirs stateside. Overall, this seems like a purely financial arrangement. Again, disappointing to see Avery lose some measure of independence, but it could be much, much worse.

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