Looking for something awesome to do on Saturday? Look no further than Atlanta’s Winter Beer Carnival. This year marks the 4th anniversary of this epic outdoor festival featuring everything from dancing to an ice luge and all sorts of carnival games to keep you busy while you enjoy some great beers. Speaking of the beers, this year there will be over 100 beers for you to sample including Bridgeport’s Ebenezer, Great Divide’s Espresso Oak Aged Yeti, Mother Earth’s Dark Cloud Dunkel, Magic Hat’s Pistil, Penn’s St. Nikolaus Bock just to name a few. Tickets range from $40-60 depending on what package you choose and are available here.
If you go:
Atlanta Winter Beer Carnival
Atlantic Station, Atlanta GA
February 9th 3-7pm, doors open at 2 for VIP ticket holders
$20 for DDs, $40 for general admission, $60 for VIP