Posted in Beer News

Almost Autumn, Here’s Sixpoint Autumnation

Fall starts on September 23rd this year, but Sixpoint’s Autumnation debuts today.  This is Six Point’s wet hopped offering

One of the most special times of the year for craft brewers is the annual hop harvest.  As you may know, hops are the celebrated bitter spice in beer, and craft brewers are famous for maximizing their diverse range of bitter flavors and aromas.

Our first-ever seasonal can release arrives today, and it is brewed as a true celebration of this special moment in time.  We made a trip out to Yakima Valley to the oldest continually operating hop farms in the country, and met with Patrick Smith, a 3rd generation hop grower.  We selected and harvested 800 pounds of fresh “wet hops” and overnight shipped them back to the East Coast to brew the Autumnation.

Style: Pumpkin Beer (w/ wet hops)

Availability: 16oz cans, Draft.

6.8% ABV

Check out the hi-def video

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