Posted in Coming Soon, Founders Brewing

2013 Founders Calendar: Rübæus Out Of Retirement

The Founders Brewing (Grand Rapids, MI) 2013 release calendar. You’ll note a return to  lineup – Rübæus, a raspberry fruit beer

As promised Founders Brewing Company has created something unlike the rest. Amongst this summers over crowded race to cloudy wheat beers we have decided to embark down a path all to our own. By using only fresh raspberries Rubaeus translates into intense flavors combined with a no hesitation malt bill.At 7% ABV this is definitely beer.In fermentation we add fresh raspberries at five separate stages throughout the fermentation life cycle to achieve the ultimate balance between tartness and sweetness.

Rübæus is a bit like Blushing MonkLook for it in Summer, 2013.  By the looks of it, KBS will now be released in April instead of March. Cerise has been cut, and Red’s Rye PA is no longer year round.

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