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Porn site xHamster launches their own beer. How you pair it is up to you.

xhamster Beer

One of the world’s largest porn websites, xHamster now has something else to offer their fans. xHamster Beer.

At first we thought it was a joke. Upon investigation (beer investigating, not porn), the Cyprus-based site has gotten into commercial brewing. The beer is a nearly 9% alcohol by volume Belgian-style tripel. Even before your mind wanders, no there aren’t any weird additions to the beer like lube, and it wasn’t aged on sex toys either.

xHamster Beer is brewed with two hop varieties, and five different malts, plus organic honey. Brewed for the fans of a special kind of “nature documentary.” Touted as the world’s first “porn beer.”

Five different malt varieties, two hop varieties, organic honey, and the finest spices and yeast flow into the beer. Very full-bodied, slightly sweet and yet spicy, this beer will fill your mouth and guarantee your satisfaction.

Right now the beer is only available in Europe but there are plans to to bring it stateside. Perhaps it’s the perfect gift for that special porn and beer lover in your life.

Style: Belgian Tripel (Honey.)


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