Topic Archives: Wasabi

Posted in SweetWater Brewing, Headlines

SweetWater brews with wasabi in future ‘Torikumi’ release

SweetWater Torikumi

SweetWater Torikumi, a collaboration with Colorado based Telluride Brewing,

This release is where the brewery’s side project series known as “Dank Tank” is going to a get a little weird. SweetWater Torikumi is a blonde ale, infused with wasabi.

Wasabi, which shares its family with the likes of mustard and horseradish, is pungent. The vapors alone will wake you out of a coma. According to SweetWater, a lighter style was chosen to accentuate the flavor of wasabi, while still being crisp and drinkable. The idea is NOT to destroy your senses with each sip.

RELATED: SweetWater Wookie Down, because 420 Fest

This isn’t wasabi’s first rodeo in brewing. Back in 2014, Dogfish Head created Rosabi, an imperial pale ale brewed with the aromatic plant. Foodies were instantly in love the ale.

Sumo Danko vs King Dragon Fish: Two men enter, one man leaves. Sumo Danko hails from the back hills of Georgia, is feared and revered for his fists of fury, oversized sack of hops, low-grade narcolepsy, and a penchant for buggery.

King Dragon Fish is a mountain dweller from TaHellYaRide, with an insane ability to break trees with his ankles, occasional bouts with gout and high altitude Tommy boy foolishness; usually found face down….

SweetWater Torikumi will be availalble in 16 ounce cans and draft. The brewery has not yet announced this beer.

Style: Blonde Ale (w/ Wasabi)
Malts: 2 Row Wheat, Carapils, Oat Flakes, Rye

Availability: 16oz Cans, Draft
Debut: TBA

7.5% ABV

Posted in Coming Soon, Dogfish Head, Headlines

Dogfish Head Creates Wasabi Beer

A new music inspired collaboration rises from Dogfish Head Craft Brewery (Milton, DE). This beer uses wasabi. What? I know. Read on.

Julianna Barwick is an American musician that hails from Louisiana. Her music uses multiple loops of her voice to create the melody. Her go-to ingredient is wasabi, and Dogfish is happy to oblige. Meet Dogfish Head Rosabi, brewed with wasabi and bittered with Japanese root.

The vivid rose hue of comes from a combination of Munich and Caramel malts and a touch of red rice from Louisiana, birthplace of musician and collaborator Julianna Barwick. Citrusy Simcoe and Centennial feed Juhanna’s love of hops, and the star of the show is her go-to ingredient: wasabi. What’s hoppy? …Wasabi. The Japanese root adds bittering and herbal notes similar to hops, with its subtle heat creeping in after the kick of carbonation. It’s expansive from start to finish. So go ahead, take a sip, toss your head back, and howl at the red Rosabi moon.

Look for Dogfish Head Rosabi in 750 ml bottles and draft.

Style: Imperial IPA (w/ Wasabi, Japanese Root)
Availability: 750ml Bottles, Draft
Arrival: TBA

8% ABV

Posted in Coming Soon, Twisted Pine Brewing

Twisted Pine Big Easy Offbeat Brown In May

Twisted Pine Brewing Company will release  Big Easy Offbeat Brown Ale , the fifth beer  in its Artisan Ale Series.  Big Easy is brewed with wasabi, ginger, and horseradish.

Big Easy Offbeat Brown is a medium-bodied brown ale brewed with wasabi, horseradish and ginger. For the Artisan Ale Project, Twisted Pine developed twelve distinct new beers and then enlisted the help of a dozen talented Colorado artists for artwork to adorn the labels.  

The label art is “Red Hot Jazz” by Perry Bergman.  The release party will also be an artshow for the featured artist that month.

Style: Brown Ale
750 ml bottles, Draft. Limited to Colorado.
Arrival: 5/5/12