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Posted in Beer News, New Releases

Total Wine Posts 12/12 Westvleteren Street Date, Releases Early

Total Wine didn’t make a lot of friends this week when they released Westvletern XII. Touted as one of the world’s best beers (and hardest to purchase) has hit U.S. soil for one time only. Total Wine working with Shelton Brothers all but got complete inclusivity (despite legal questions it raises in some states.) Total Wine’s blog announced a street date of 12/12/12. As you can see above, the store communications confirm this date.

However, on December 1st- many of the stores let the gift packs go. Now, BSJ is here to report news and such surrounding your favorite beverage. But I have to ask the question, why would you get people excited for a beer that will be sold in the United States just one time. Ever. Tell them a release date so they get a shot at it, then- not release like you said you would?

Also, I’m told that in Georgia – Quality is the distributor on record. Total Wine received all the gift packs for the state. Quality asked for some back to give to other retailers. Total Wine completely refused. That raises even more legal questions. Shady dealings? Maybe.

UPDATE: Total Wine has removed the original post about the Westy Release date.

Thanks @BrewMeOne for the pic.