Topic Archives: Oysters
Widmer Brothers Cloyster
Widmer Brothers Brewing Cloyster. Ale brewed with oysters.
Availability: Draft only, as of 3/16/12
8% ABV
Flying Dog Planning On Bottling Pearl Necklace
Flying Dog Brewing is making plans to bottle Pearl Necklace. It’s an oyster stout, previously a draft only offering for a good cause.
The beer benefits the Oyster Recovery Partnership in the Chesapeake Bay Area. The partnership coordinates and conducts oyster restorations efforts in the bay. It’s a 3 way collaboration between Flying Dog, Rappahannock River Oysters, and Baltimore’s Woodberry Kitchen. (Although Woodberry isn’t mentioned on the label.) ”
Style: Dry Stout (Oyster Stout)
Availability: Draft. NEW: 12 oz bottles.
Region: Draft was limited to MD, VA, Washington D.C. Bottles TBA
Arrival: TBA
5.5% ABV
Half Acre/3 Floyds Mutiny & Mollusk
This label began life as a confusion between this Man o’ War and this Man o’ War. Eventually both kinds got included. Also, if you look carefully, you will see a goddamn giant kraken.
This beer is only going to be available at the Floyds facility in Indiana, but it is certainly worth a short road trip. And before you ask, yes, actual oysters are involved in the brewing process and it’s not as gross as I assumed it would be when I heard that.
Heavy Seas New Oyster Stout Docks In October
Heavy Seas has put a host of beers on hiatus in 2012. A new beer will be added to the lineup this fall – Oyster Stout. The beer will called Crossbones, and Oyster Stout and will clock in 4.7% ABV. Bones is described as “dry in style and dark in color from 6 types of malt, balanced with 3 kinds of hops.”
Crossbones will debut in October, and be available through March, 2013.
Flying Dog Pearl Necklace Limited To MD, VA, D.C.
Flying Dog’s Pearl Necklace Oyster Stout is a draft only offering for a good cause. The beer benefits the Oyster Recovery Partnership in the Chesapeake Bay Area. The partnership coordinates and conducts oyster restorations efforts in the bay.
It’s a 3 way collaboration between Flying Dog, Rappahannock River Oysters, and Baltimore’s Woodberry Kitchen.
“Both Rappahannock and Woodberry were great partners in educating us on the oyster issues facing the Chesapeake Bay,” Flying Dog Brewmaster Matt Brophy said. “When we became fully aware of how crucial oysters are to the Bay’s fragile ecosystem, we knew we needed to do more than just brew a beer.”
Style: Dry Stout (Oyster Stout)
Availability: Draft Only. Limited to MD, VA, Washington D.C.
Pearl Necklace launches at Woodberry Kitchen on Monday, November 14. From 6 to 9 pm. Tix $35 dollars.
Other Pearl Necklace release parties include:
— Alewife in Baltimore, MD; Tuesday, November 15 at 6 pm
— Firestone’s Culinary Tavern in Frederick, MD; Thursday November 17 at 5 pm
— Olney Ale House in Olney, MD; Thursday, November 17 at 6 pm
— Hank’s Oyster Bar in Washington, DC; Monday, November 21 at 5 pm
— Hellas Restaurant and Lounge in Millersville, MD; Friday, November 25 at 5 pm