Topic Archives: Cigar City Cider & Mead
Cigar City & B. Nektar Create “Camp Braggot Ghost Stories”
Cigar City Brewing (Tampa, FL) recently opened a Cider & Mead division of the brewery. Meet the first collaboration – Camp Braggot Ghost Stories. teaming up with B. Nektar Meadery (Ferndale, MI) the team has created a lager/mead hybrid, with a host of ingredients, including coconut, cacao nibs, tea, and oak chips.
Scary things live in the dark. Full of unknown ghosts and ghouls. Surprises behind every tree. It might scare you, or it might make you laugh, but it’ll break eery preconceived notion you may have.
Style: Lager (Mead) w/ Coconut, Honey, Tea, Oak Chips, Cacao Nibs
Availability: 750 ml bottles. In Cigar City distro only.
Arrival: TBA
?? ABV
Read more: Cigar City Brewing, Collaborations