
Posted in Beer News, Coming Soon, Westvleteren

Another Westvleteren 12 Label

Westvleteren 12 Label Westvleteren 12 isn’t labeled when you buy it in Europe.  The only mark of the beer is the cap.  For those of you that don’t know, Westvleteren 12 – considered one of the best beers on planet earth, only sold at the Abbey in Belgium.  The monks there only brew enough to support the monastery, end of story.  Recently, it was discovered in a building inspection that the Abbey needs a good bit of structural renovation and repair.  So, they will be producing more beer to pay for it until it’s completed.

For the 1st time ever, the beer will be (legally) sold in America.  Because it’s coming stateside, it needs some form of “minmal” labeling for it’s one time engagement on our soil. Above is 1 of 2 labels we’ve seen.

Ad aedificandam abbatiam adiuvi translates from Latin to “I Helped Build The Abbey”

Westie 12 will be sold in gift packs in early 2012.

Posted in Coming Soon, Westvleteren

Westvleteren XII: The American Label

You know it’s coming: Westie XII gift packs in America.   One time only.  The gift packs are being imported by Shelton Brothers.  Details on sales dates and areas have yet to be announced.

Style: Quadrupel

10.2% ABV

Posted in Beer News, Westvleteren

Westvleteren Gift Packs will be shipping to the United States for the first time next year by Shelton Brothers Importers.  The gift pack will have a few bottles of the beer, and glassware.  The abbey is not up to fire code, and started distributing the beers in Europe briefly for the first time ever.  Now the United States will see some of the most highly revered Belgian beers in the world stateside. (Potentially one time only.)

Posted in Beer News, Stift Engelszell, Westvleteren

8th Trappist Brewery Opening Soon

The world will soon indulge in beers from the 8th Trappist brewery.  Mont des Cats will being selling the newest offerings June 16th.

Mont des Cats will be based in France, with initial production in Belgium.   Chimay, a Trappist brewery themselves helped Mont des Cats create a new recipe & will be assist the friars there as the brewery comes online.

In order to be a Trappist brewery, the beer must be brewed by or under the control of Trappist monks with some of the profits going to good causes.

The existing Trappist breweries are Chimay, Rochefort, Westvleteren, Achel, Orval, Westmalle,  & Konigshoeven <FlandersNews>