Traveler Beer Company
Burlington, Vermont
A Pumpkin Shandy?
Burlington, Vermont’s Traveler Beer Company focuses on one thing- pushing the envelope on a style that’s on fire right now – shandy. Much like the many craft brewers pushing old world styles into new territories, Traveler is changing the game when lemonade meets craft beer.
The young company touts three different shandys currently – The Curious Traveler (w/ Lemon & Lime), The Tenacious Traveler (w/ Ginger & Honey), and the Time Traveler (w/ Strawberry). This fall, we will meet the first (perhaps) pumpkin shandy – Jack-o Traveler. A beer with lemon peel and pumpkin. We can’t think of another like it.
Style: Shandy (w/ Lemon Peel, Pumpkin)
Availability: 12oz bottles
Arrival: TBA
4.4% ABV