The Commons Brewery
Commons Brewery Releases Blackcurrant Sour
The Commons Brewery (Portland, OR) releases a new seasonal today, Biere Royale. The funky beer debuts during the annual Puckerfest.
Biere Royale a sour ale brewed with black currants. It’s modeled French cocktail Kir Royale, typically made with white wine and blackcurrant liqueur.
The Commons Brewery Biere Royale will be available in 750ml capped bottles and in limited draft.
Style: American Wild Ale (w/ Blackcurrants)
Hops: Saaz
Malts: Pilsner, Malted Spelt, Flaked Wheat, Acidulated Malt
Availability: 750ml bottles, Draft. Mid-July – Mid-August
5.5% ABV