Sam Adams

Posted in New Beers, Sam Adams
Posted in Coming Soon, Sam Adams

Samuel Adams Special Release: Juniper IPA

Samuel Adams Juniper IPA

Winter release for this Samuel Adams. The berries add and interesting twist to a hoppy brew. Just ask the Norwegians.

For this special release, we wanted to brew a flavorful winter IPA that captured the aroma of the season. This brought us to juniper berries, which add a slightly sweet, piney character. Complimented by citrus notes from American hops, this balanced IPA will brighten the holidays. Cheers!

Style: IPA (w/ Juniper Berries)
Availability: 12oz bottles, Draft
Arrival: TBA

5.5% ABV


Posted in Sam Adams, Videos

Sam Adams Catches Heat For “Patriotic” Commercial

Boston Beer Company, makers of Sam Adams, (and brewers in his honor), launched a new commercial in on July 4th. In the tv spot, the bartender quotes a few lines from the Declaration of Independence – a document that Samuel Adams himself signed.

Interestingly, part of the quote that uses the word God was omitted. This some backlash and criticism amongst watchers of this commercial, and drinkers of the beer. Was it required to leave religion out of the marketing campaign? Are we that sensitive to religion now? Is the bartender just quoting a few lines from the infamous document? Sound off. (Respectfully)

 The commercial quote: … Samuel Adams signed the Declaration of Independence. He believed that there was a better way to live. All men are created equal. They are endowed with certain unalienable rights. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness …

From the Declaration of Independence (Adopted July 4, 1776)

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Posted in Sam Adams

Samuel Adams Winter Lager Slated For Cans

Samuel Adams Winter Lager Cans

I’m sure we will be seeing a lot more Samuel Adams offerings in cans, now that the brewery has made the jump. Just recently, the brewery launched the flagship Boston Lager and Summer Ale in 12oz cans, and Boston Lager is also planned for tallboys.

Late fall, you will soon see Winter Lager joining the aluminum lineup. Winter Lager is a seasonal beer, brewed with cinnamon, ginger and orange peel. Tailgating perhaps?

Style: Lager (w/ Ginger, Orange Peel, Cinnamon)
Hops: Hallertau
Malts: Samuel Adams Two-row pale malt blend, Caramel 60, Malted wheat, Weyermann Carafa Malt, and Munich 10

Availability: 12oz bottles, Draft. 12oz cans (Coming Soon)
Release: November, 2013

5.6% ABV, 44 IBUs 

Posted in Sam Adams, Seasonal Return

The Opposite of Dark Lord Day, It’s Brewlywed Day

Those wanted to make a trip to Boston for Samuel Adams Brewlywed Ale will have their 2013 chance on June 26th. Pretty much the complete opposite of Three Floyd’s Dark Lord Day, Brewlywed is available just one day a year. Last year, three couples were married in the hop garden in the presence of brewery founder Jim Koch.

The beer is a Belgian-style pale ale, described by Koch as “kind of like marriage — a bit spicy, a bit complex, a little bit unexpected and full of surprises.” Last year the line started at 5 am.

Interested in getting married at the brewery on this day? Tell them. [email protected].

Posted in Sam Adams

Samuel Adams Plans Boston Lager in 16oz Cans

Samuel Adams 16oz Lager Cans

So just to recap, it took Samuel Adams two years and a few million to create a can suitable for Boston Lager. In the past few weeks, the brewery launched the flagship Boston Lager and Summer Ale in new 12oz cans for the first time in the brewery’s history.

It doesn’t stop there. The patented Samuel Adams can will see 4 more ounces of beer in tallboy form.

Style: Lager
Availability: 12oz bottles, 12oz cans, Draft. 16oz Cans (soon)
Arrival: TBA (16oz cans)

 4.9% ABV

Posted in Coming Soon, Sam Adams

Samuel Adams Backwoods Porter

Samuel Adams Backwoods Porter

Just a kick addition to your beer radar – Samuel Adams Backwoods Porter. Brewed with maple syrup.

Style: Porter (w/ Maple Syrup)
Availability: Draft only, as of 5/3/13

5.6% ABV