Due South Brewing
Due South Brewing Isle of MaGourdo
Due South Isle of MaGourdo
Due South Brewing Opens May 12th
Due South Brewing officially opens it’s doors on Saturday, May 12, 2012. The 15 barrel brewhouse is primed and ready to provide South Florida with the likes of Caramel Cream Ale, The Category IPA Series, Roasted Cocoa Stout & more.
Doors open at 3 pm.
Due South Brewing Co.
High Ridge Rd. #3
Boynton Beach FL 33426
Due South Brewing Gets Government OK
Due South Brewing has received official approval from the Tax and Trade Bureau to operate as a brewery. (Last week) What does that mean? Beer production baby!
We’ve got 95% of our equipment delivered with a few things yet to show up. Our glycol chiller is built and waiting on a truck to pick it up in Seattle, our four 300 gallon serving tanks for the taproom are being finished up in Portland, our 375 kegs are about to be loaded on a big truck in LA and hopefully we can get this guy to stop by Escondido and pick up our keg washer. Oh yeah, and the Canadians are shipping our mill tomorrow. The brewhouse, fermenters, brite tanks, and other equipment is in our possession.
Due South took possession of their property in Boynton Beach, Florida in October, 2011. Grand opening is planned for February/March, 2012. Expect the first Due South brews to show up at the Jupiter Craft Beer Fest in 1/28/12.
Due South Brewing Closer To Opening
Due South Brewing is one step closer to opening. Last night they got the go-ahead from the city to allow the brewery to open.
Our amendment passed last night to open the door for Due South Brewing Co. to open in Boynton Beach. Thanks to all of the Boynton Zoning staff for all of their hard work!
Now they need a letter of conforming use and they can break ground.
We expect to take possession of our property on October 1st and begin work soon thereafter. The architectural drawings are complete for the most part and we’re bringing in the consultants to lay out the electric, plumbing and air conditioning. We’ll go to permitting as soon as the consultants have their plans finished and we’ll begin work. At the same time our engineers in California are laying out plans for the brewing equipment. We have placed the equipment within the plans as we would like to see it and the engineers will draw out the plumbing, electric, glycol lines, etc. Once complete, we’ll begin the equipment install.
They have received equipment – ferementers, brite tanks, hot liquor tanks, etc.