Bissell Brothers Brewery
Portland, Maine
Bissell Brothers i-Lucky returns March 15th
Bissell Brothers i-Lucky returns to the Portland, Maine based brewery’s lineup on March 16th.
The IPA, a homage to restaurant workers everywhere, is an IPA brewed with rice and ginger.
This ale bursts with soft lemon flavor from Sorachi Ace & Lemondrop hops, and is characterized by a brilliant ginger presence that is bright but not overpowering.
Bissell Brothers i-Lucky is a 12 ounce can offering. Rotating availability.
Style: IPA
Hops: Sorachi Ace, Lemon Drop
Malts: Pilsner, Flaked Rice, Vienna, Malted Rice
Availability: 12oz cans
7% ABV
Pic: Bissell Brothers
Bissell Brothers to expand to new Portland location
Portland, Maine’s Bissell Brothers Brewing Company will be moving into a new location in the second quarter of 2016. The brewery has chosen a new location in the Brick North building at Thompson’s Point in Portland, Maine.
Like numerous growing breweries in the U.S., this move is needed in order to expand production capacity, as well as tap room size. Currently, Bissell Brothers is located at One Industrial Place, right next to both Foundation Brewing and Allagash Brewing.
According to Bissell Brothers, the Thompson’s Point industrial area is currently being redeveloped, so the brewery is a little ahead of the curve for what is to come there.
…there are BIG things happening on this spit of land, and we are incredibly excited to be a part of it – craft beverages, amazing food, large-scale performances and events, museums & cultural attractions – It’s all happening there, and soon. The Thompson’s Point development team has been incredibly accommodating and welcoming – These guys are visionaries, open to any idea, and are sowing the seeds of a unique, collaborative village.
The brewery at One Industrial Place will be open as normal until further notice. The brewery has not disclosed a complete time frame for the expansion, or project cost at this time.
- If our Google Maps serves us properly, this is the Brick North Building at 4 Thompson Point Road, Portland, Maine
Bissell Brothers Reciprocal Joins Year Round Lineup
Bissell Brothers Reciprocal debuts this week, a permanent addition to the Portland, Maine’s year round lineup.
Bissell Brothers Reciprocal is an IPA, brewed with newly popular Vic Secret, Ella, and Summer hops, all hailing from Australia.
The reciprocity between our brewery and its customers can be traced all the way back to the beginning. We took a chance opening a brewery, you liked our beer and kept coming; we were able to buy more tanks and make more, and start taking risks with experimental flavor combos; you continued to support us.
Bissell Brothers Reciprocal is available in 16 ounces cans.
Style: IPA
Hops: Vic Secret, Ella, Summer
Malts: Malted Wheat, Flaked Oats, C-20, Pilsner
Availability: 16oz Cans, Draft.
Release: 9/2/15
7.3% ABV