Aloha Beer Company

Honolulu, Hawaii

Posted in Aloha Beer Company, New Releases, SweetWater Brewing

SweetWater LowRYEder Debuts

SweetWater’s Crank Tank Rye’d Ale — a rye beer once brewed to benefit Camp Twin Lakes has officially gone year round.   You’ll know it now as LowRYEder.  A new Camp Twin Lakes benefit beer is in the works.

…a flame throwin’ Rye IPA ignited by a 25% shot of rye malt capped by a super hoppin’ blast of Mt Hood and Centennial hops making this IPA bounce!  

LowRYEder has officially hit tap handles, followed by bottles in the Tackle Box mixed packs, then 12oz/6 packs in July.

Check out  SweetWater’s latest news

note.  Tap sticker has been fixed… 

Posted in Aloha Beer Company, New Beers

Aloha Lager

Aloha Lager

Posted in Aloha Beer Company, New Beers