Black IPA? No. Dark Cascadian Ale? No. American-Style Black Ale? Yes!

Man I love hearing beer geeks fight.  At the end of the day, I just love and want to drink beer.  But… there are some style questions that come up along the way. 2010 was a big year for Black IPA errr  Cascadian Dark Ales aka the dark-hoppy beers.  This is a battle I’ve seen wage on for a while now.  What beer geeks sometime forget ( and I’ll get flamed for this) is that there really isn’t anything wrong with calling something a black IPA.  At the end of the day, you tell me its a black IPA I know what to expect.

The only real issue is how to evaluate and just these beers in competition.  That’s where the Brewer’s Association comes in.  Each year they evaluate beer styles and emerging beer styles in an attempt to bring some clarity to the situation.  

 Check out the definition: